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Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

"I came from a Corporate background, when my health took a turn. Rather than settling, I chose to do whatever it took, to go on to create a better than average life and Flourish From Home!"  ~ Tina Votava

Copyright © 2024  FLOURISHFROMHOME.COM All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

Let's first hear from Lise - My Company Mentor

Tina Votava

HI I'M TINA, and thanks for stopping by.  I am a wife, a mother of 2 beautiful adult girls, and living with a chronic disease.  I am fortunate to have found a business that provides me with not only a healthy work life balance, but allows me the ability to work at my own pace, that I am actually able  to do from home! 

 You're here because you are looking for a way to increase your earning potential while working from home as well.

This business allows us time freedom and the choice  to live where we choose to live, or travel and explore the world.  I was born and raised in California. We are currently residing in the beautiful Grand Canyon State of Arizona.

My life has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, to say the least. My background was in Human Services and Education which was very rewarding, but over time working 60+ hours a week, not only took a toll on my family life, but also on my health.

I'm excited about working with other motivated men and women who want to create a level of freedom and flexibility in their own lives  that they never thought possible. Some may or may not have physical challenges as well. Most of the people I work with all have one thing in common. 

To create a better than average life for themselves and their families. 

This is my big 'why' (my family) my reason for never giving up and my husband who took the photo!

This is at my daughter's senior dance recital with the studio owner. The men carried me and my wheelchair up onto the stage to present my daughter with her flowers! 

We love being out on the water. This shot was taken of my girls & our good family friend , at Lake Havasu.

Love our family time together traveling ('Glamping') in our RV with our little Maltese! 

THE PROBLEM THAT LED ME HERE:  I started my own Nonprofit Corporation facilities in California for children and adults with severe physical and developmental challenges. Although it was very rewarding, each year the funding sources decreased. The stress, the increased hours, the additional workload, and the fundraising efforts in an attempt to keep the facilities open, while still being a wife and trying to raise 2 children, it physically became too much for me to handle.

WHAT WASN'T WORKING: Due to the stress of debt, a bankruptcy, and mounting medical bills, I came down with an auto immune disease that left me completely dependent on others and literally motionless in an ICU bed. It didn't 'hit me' overnight, and as I look back there were signs and symptoms, but I was 'too busy' to take notice. I knew at this point I needed and wanted more for myself and my family. I needed to re-prioritize my life and re-invent myself.

WHAT LED ME TO SUCCESS:  I was at a low point in my life. I came across a website similar to this one. I started reading some Personal Development books like The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, The Traveler's Gift, The Richest Man In Babylon and many more. There was something about this Personal Development that awakened something deep within me. I had a major mindset shift. I began to see and understand myself in a whole different light. I was not ready to give up and to 'settle' in a life living in a neurological center. It definitely didn't happen over night! It was a lot of hard work, determination, tears and pain, but the journey has been so well worth it!

THE BUSINESS THAT WAS A BOOM: I was led to this business representing award winning Personal Development products.  I plugged into the programs and it truly transformed my life in so many different areas. I have found my passion and zest for life again. Tapping into a global economy and connecting with people all over North America and the world, has been extraordinary. I'm privileged to inspire and motivate others, while working with incredible entrepreneurs who are supportive, talented and simply the best in their field. I have made tremendous progress with my disease, which is something the doctors told me would never happen! I will be forever grateful for this business and the supportive community. Look at me now! I got my life back! Sometimes in life we have to modify and adapt to achieve our goals. But never give up! The flexibility with this business has allowed us to continue our love for the RV/boating lifestyle! If I can do it, you can too!

 So if you're someone looking  to reinvent your life and create more than just the 'average',  reach out to me today. 

Tina Votava

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It takes dedication and commitment to create success as a business owner. If you're looking for a 'get rich quick' or 'get rich easy' without having to apply yourself and do the work, then look elsewhere. Your personal results will vary based on your own individual talents and effort.

I come from a Pilates teacher back ground. I always need to work a flexible schedule no matter what I do. Flexibility isn't enough when you have a family of 4 and a strong travel bug!! I also needed a  business to fit my flexible schedule. This business is exactly that. So we decided to take our family with the business on a 3 month trip to Australia and South East Asia. I have to pinch myself that this is my reality now. A business that is truly flexible!!

Kristine Bene

"From the moment I got started here I've been provided with so much training and support. Being among a community of like minded people has tremendously assisted me in creating shifts in so many areas of my life. And as a new mom I feel blessed that I get to run a successful business on a flexible and part time schedule".

Lise Reitsma

“We’ve been with this opportunity for over 18 years. Financially it’s been awesome but even more importantly we’ve found our purpose to offer anyone the opportunity to totally change their lives as it did for us.” Arni & Michael USA

"I have been studying Personal & Professional Development for over 40 years & I can honestly say the products & events here are right up there with the best of the best.
On the business side the income opportunity is extraordinary & the training from business leaders who have "been there, done that" is remarkable. I'm grateful I got started here almost 10 years ago" - Stephen Kosmyna, Florida, USA

Michael & Arni Berry

Stephen Kosmyna